Monday, 30 November 2009

I was going to write a blog today about how I was so totally pissed off that I had to wear tartan to school today or something Scottish because its St Andrew's Day and Homecoming and hardly anyone was wearing anything like that and it really annoyed me but I finish school early on Monday because I have free period last, which means I get to go home, so that made my day that bit better. When I got home, I made peanut butter and chicken supper noddles, which made my day a whole load better. It was the first time I've made that and it was awesome, so I watched a rerun of Gilmore Girls whilst I ate.

So even though I had a pretty shit day today my weekend was good. On Friday night after school I went to the cinema with a friend to see New Moon. I thought it was so freaking hilarious. I mean, the first time you see Edward me and my friend burst out laughing and I know it's not meant to be funny, but it is! My favourite part of the move has to be when Bella, Jacob and Mike go to the cinema, firstly because it's so funny and secondly because it was probably because it was the most true to the book part of the movie. The friend I went to see New Moon with had never read the books and had only see the first movie earlier that day, and we came to the decision that Mike is the best character. So I'm going to design and screen print some Team Mike t-shirts and maybe some bags. 'Cause I'm cool.

I was gonna write something really gross about dead mice but I don't think I will.

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