I don't know how I've manged to go this far with out killing my physics teacher. Honestly, he's the worst teacher I've ever had, and last year I thought I had the worst teacher for physics. So I'm now teaching myself physics because I don't want to fail again, if I didn't need it to get in to uni I would drop it.
Another thing going on at school is everyone is sorting out their prom dates. Prom isn't till June. I don't have date, I was going to ask my friend Sammy to prom cause she's left school but I don't really think it's her sort of thing. So I think I'm gonna be one of the date-less losers, unless one the guys who would be date-less losers ask me. But to be honest I don't see the rush prom is still ... (stops to count) ... 8 months away. Another stupid school thing I have to go to is the Halloween party/disco, which is gonna be so lame. Anyway everyone's going on about what their going as and I had an awesome idea, I'm gonna go as Bellatrix LeStrange from Harry Potter, I saw a costume on the interweb somewhere. My friend Fiona is maybe gonna go as the guy from Clockwork Orange, which is such a cool idea.
On a totally unrelated note, Lady Gaga is on TV and she wears some really odd outfits doesn't she? And now Madonna is on. I think she's a little too old to be dancing like that. It's kinda creepy.
Speaking of TV, I spent like an hour something try to find a site to watch the new episode of The Big Bang Theory on and I couldn't. I wish it was out in the UK, hopefully it will be soon I really want to see it. The same for Heroes too, my friend Tasha has seen it and she really wants someone to talk to about it. Another thing that's taking ages to get here is a book I ordered off of Amazon like last Monday or Tuesday, it sucks cause I've got nothing to read just now. Sad face.